Excess heat from energy-intensive industries is often suitable for use in district heating systems but is usually unutilized. A detailed overview of the potentials available in the EU is now provided by a database of the sEEnergies project. In Germany, 29 petajoules of excess heat from industrial sites could be used, which corresponds to the demand of more than half a million households. The information is available as maps and downloadable datasets.
4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency (Behave 2016)
Energy Systems Conference 2016
We provide customized studies of future energy demand trends for countries and regions. Our new factsheets give a few examples of the types of research service offered.
A Phd thesis finds positive effect of demand response for the integration of renewable energies in the German electricity system.
A recently published dissertation describes the extension of the FORECAST model to enable a scenario analysis for the German residential sector under the consideration of declining technological knowledge.
In May, the large-scale Horizon 2020 project REFLEX - Analysis of the European energy system under the aspects of flexibility and technological progress was launched at a kick-off meeting held in Dresden, Germany.
In a joint research project, researchers from ITRI and Fraunhofer ISI used the FORECAST model to assess energy saving opportunities and costs in Taiwan’s cement industry. The cement industry is the second most energy-intensive sector in Taiwan.
In a recently published study for the European Commission, the models FORECAST and INVERT/EE-lab were used for a detailed profiling of the energy demand for heating and cooling in industry, services and the residential sector. …
A team consisting of researchers from Fraunhofer ISI and Oeko-Institut has developed model-based climate mitigation scenarios for Germany.
The 17th and 18th of February 2016, the FORECAST / eLOAD team was represented by two colleagues at the e-world in Essen, Germany
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