Excess heat from energy-intensive industries is often suitable for use in district heating systems but is usually unutilized. A detailed overview of the potentials available in the EU is now provided by a database of the sEEnergies project. In Germany, 29 petajoules of excess heat from industrial sites could be used, which corresponds to the demand of more than half a million households. The information is available as maps and downloadable datasets.
In a new publication we describe the latest version of the industry sector model of FORECAST focusing on the ability and need to model the energy transition in industry.
The decarbonisation of the industry sector requires a wide range of mitigation options, many of which are often not considered in bottom-up models. The most recent version of FORECAST considers fuel and process switching, energy efficiency, CCS, the circular economy and material efficiency and therefore includes a wide range of mitigation options. After describing the model routines in detail, we provide recommendations on how to improve the model even more to increase the contribution bottom-up models can make to strategic energy transition analyses.
The article is available as open access .
It was written within the frame of the Reflex Horizon2020 project
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